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SSA listing 1.04C Spinal Stenosis

Social Security Administration listing 1.04C addresses Lumbar spinal stenosis. The listing requires acceptable imaging and medical records addresses the inability to walk effectively. Social Security will consider the person’s ability to do day to day activities; shopping, going to church, visiting with friend and family, and house hold duties. A statement from a doctor who knows the person well concerning the complaints of pain and ability to move about will be very helpful in receiving a favorable decision.

“1.04 C. Lumbar spinal stenosis resulting in pseudoclaudication, established by findings on appropriate medically acceptable imaging, manifested by chronic nonradicular pain and weakness, and resulting in inability to ambulate effectively, as defined in 1.00B2b.”

If you have severe lower lumbar spinal stenosis and symptoms of pseudoclaudication a lumbar CT scan or MRI will be needed to support the diagnosis. A plain x-ray will not support the diagnosis; an MRI will provide details of the disc and nerve root.

Nonradicular pain is pain that does not follow a particular nerve root. In other words the pain may not just go down the leg it may be in the buttock, thighs, and legs. For the Listing SSA will exam the medical records for notations of complaints of pain, the location, severity, and frequency.

Good documentation of your daily activities and the opinion of your treating physician are very important in meeting listing 1.4C concerning effective ambulation. Notes on the ability to maintain activities of daily living are very helpful.

The listing requires weakness resulting in the inability to ambulate effectively. For example, the inability to walk a block at a reasonable pace on uneven surfaces, the inability to go shopping, or the inability to climb stairs. The need for a walker or two crutches or canes would constitute ineffective ambulation. To ambulate effectively you must be able to walk at a reasonable pace for a distance.

People are found disabled by Social Security Administration with out meeting a listing. You may be disabled if you are unable to stand, walk, and lift throughout the workday. In addition, a person’s age, education, and past work are important when evaluating Social Security Disability claims. Call us at Representative Services for more information if you have not been able to work due to any impairment.

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