Call Us! It is important that you understand there are various time deadlines in pursuing your claim. Don’t delay or your right to benefits may be barred. Call us today for a FREE consultation with a Social Security claims expert. 515-271-8186 or 1-800-949-2757
We will represent you to the best of our abilities and take these steps:
- Review all documents, applications, files and records to determine what action should be taken.
- Analyze and review data, reports, findings and interpret those results.
- Determine your physical, mental, social or economic needs with the purpose to develop and implement a plan to meet your needs.
- Develop the evidence to help us prevail by reviewing your claim application and all records that may concern your application.
- Schedule appointments to help us gather materials as needed.
- Prepare correspondence, reports and documents.
- Make legal corrections to any prior claims you may have submitted.
- Evaluate all information carefully.
- Communicate information with you to help you understand the process.
- Work with you in a professional manner.
If you have been off work due to a medical condition, you may qualify for Social Security Disability (SSDI) or Supplemental Security Income (SSI) benefits. You must meet these three criteria:
- You have a severe physical and/or mental impairment as determined by a medical professional.
- Your impairment has lasted or is expected to last continuously for at least 12 months.
- Your impairment prevents you from engaging in full time employment.
Call us and we’ll work with you to determine if you qualify for benefits. Call us at 515-271-8186 or toll-free: 1-800-949-2757.
We accept claims at all stages!
Have you already been denied your benefits? It makes no difference to us. We take on cases at the outset, after you have been denied, reconsideration level, hearing and appeals.