Social Security listing 2.07 disturbance of labyrinthine-vestibular function will be met when appropriate testing has been done to determine the degree of hearing loss and balance dysfunction. In addition, medical records of the number of attacks of balance disturbance must be present. Below is the information needed for the listing:
“2.07 Disturbance of labyrinthine-vestibular function (Including Ménière’s disease), characterized by a history of frequent attacks of balance disturbance, tinnitus, and progressive loss of hearing. With both A and B:
A. Disturbed function of vestibular labyrinth demonstrated by caloric or other vestibular tests; and”
B. Hearing loss established by audiometry.”
Listing 2.07 disturbance of labyrinthine-vestibular function mentions Meniere’s disease but is used for any illness that disturbs the function of the vestibular labyrinth.
The inner ear is a system of fluid filled tubes and sacs which are called the labyrinth. Hearing and balance functioning comes from the labyrinth. The cochlea is also involved in hearing. The vestibular system is involved in balance. The vestibular system provides the brain with information about head movement. The signal travels from the labyrinth to the brain thru the vestibulo-coclear nerve. If the function of the labyrinth or vestibular system is disrupted for any reason faulty signals are sent to the brain.
To establish the dysfunction of the vestibular labyrinth testing must be done to meet the listing. Caloric stimulation testing is done by putting cold and warm water or air into the ear canal. When the water enters the ear it should cause involuntary eye movement called nystagmus. This test may be done in conjunction with an electronystagmography or ENG. An electronystagmography records involuntary movements of the eye.
To meet the listing audiometry testing must be done to show hearing loss. Audiometry testing is done to measure a person’s ability to hear sounds, pitches, or frequencies. Testing can determine if a person has conductive hearing loss or sensorineural hearing loss.
Social Security will first look at the listing to determine if a person meets the listing. If the person does not meet the listing Social Security will then look at the limitation caused by the labyrinthine vestibular dysfunction. The person’s age, education, and past work are also important in the evaluation of a Social Security disability claim. If you have any questions concerning a Social Security disability claim please give us a call at 515-271-8186.