Most broken bones heal within a few months of the injury, however, for the fractures that do not heal properly it may take more than a year for a full recovery. You do not need to wait a full year to file a Social Security Disability claim. If the fracture is not healing properly and your doctor feels the fracture will not heal within a year, you may file a claim. Below is Social Security’s Disability listing 1.07 Fracture of an upper extremity:
“1.07 Fracture of an upper extremity with nonunion of a fracture of the shaft of the humerus, radius, or ulna, under continuing surgical management, as defined in 1.00M, directed toward restoration of functional use of the extremity, and such function was not restored or expected to be restored within 12 months of onset.”
Listing 1.07 deals with fracture of the humerus or the bone from the shoulder to the elbow and radius and ulna are the two bones extending from the elbow to the wrist. The non-healing of a fracture can happen for many reasons. A fracture is considered not solid or nonunion when the fracture is still evident on an x-ray 6 months after the injury. For a fracture a plain x-ray of the fracture is acceptable imaging for proof of the nonunion. It is important to continue to seek treatment for a non healing fracture to receive Social Security Disability benefits.
It is possible to be found disabled by the Social Security Administration without meeting the fracture listing. Social Security also evaluates claims according to a person’s age, education and past work in addition to a person’s ability to do day to day activities and in a work setting. If a fracture does not heal properly and function of the arm or hand is not restored, you may be eligible for Security Disability benefits. Call us at Representative Services or fill out our form for a free disability evaluation for more information if you have not been able to work due to any impairment.