If you have undergone reconstructive surgery or surgical arthrodesis (fusion) of a major weight-bearing joint, such as a hip or knee and you can no longer walk effectively (see our prior blog from 1/2/15 for more information on walking effectively) and your ability to walk is not expected to change or has not changed over the last 12 months you may meet listing 1.03.
“1.03 Reconstructive surgery or surgical arthrodesis of a major weight- bearing joint, with inability to ambulate effectively, as defined in 1.00B2b, and return to effective ambulation did not occur, or is not expected to occur, within 12 months of onset.”
To meet listing 1.03 – Reconstructive Surgery or Arthrodesis of a Major Weight-Bearing Joint, you need to have medical evidence of the following:
• You have had reconstructive surgery or arthrodesis
• You are unable to walk effectively on the knee, hip, or ankle joints after surgery
• You will not be able to walk on the joint within a year.
You must have medical evidence such as x-rays, the Apley grinding test, Arthrocentesis, Arthrography, Drawer sign (anterior and posterior), Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) of bone, McMurray’s Test, Patrick’s Test (Fabere Test), and Range of Motion (ROM) tests.
Most people who feel they are unable to work due to a physical impairment do not meet one of Social Security’s listings. Many people are approved based on their inability to do day to day activities such as walking, sitting, standing, reaching, bending, and lifting. Your doctors opinion of your limitations can be very helpful in winning your case. For detailed information or questions please give us a call at 515-271-8186.