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General Issues

Listing 3.02 Chronic Pulmonary Insufficiency

Social Security listing 3.02 chronic pulmonary insufficiency will be met when appropriate testing has been done to determine the lung function. Below is the information needed for the listing.
3.02 Chronic pulmonary insufficiency
A. Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease due to any cause, with the FEV1 equal to or less than the values specified in table I corresponding to the person’s height without shoes. (In cases of marked spinal deformity, see 3.00E.);

Table I

without Shoes (centimeters)

Height without Shoes (inches)

FEV1 Equal to or less
than (L,BTPS)

154 or less

60 or less

















181 or more

72 or more


To meet the listing 3.02 A criteria Social Security Administration (SSA) will require a pulmonary function test or PFTs to be done to determine lung function. If PFTs have not been done SSA will set up an appointment to have the tests done. If PFTs are done through SSA a bronchodilator be given to the patient. If the patient is not clinically stable the test will not be considered a valid example of the lungs ability to function. In other words, if the patient is ill or was recently ill with a respiratory illness the test will not be considered valid for SSA purposes.
The test is done by breathing through a mouth piece into the machine. The patient may be asked to breathe deeply or rapidly. After inhaling medication that opens the airways the patient will again be asked to breathe into the machine to find out how medication affects lung function. After the test is done the machine will assign a number to the patient’s lung function for each test. The numbers will be used by SSA to determine if the patient meets the listing.
For the A criteria, SSA is only interested in FEV1 numbers. SSA will need to know the height of the patient to determine if the listing is met. Listing 3.02 includes a chart, shown above, with heights and an FEV1 number. To find if the listing is met the person’s height is considered with the associated number from the FEV1 line of the PFTs. If the results of the FEV1 are less or equal to the number on the chart the person meets the listing.
SSA will first consider the listing to determine if a person meets the requirements of disability. If the person does not meet the listing SSA will then look at the limitations caused by the lung impairment. The person’s age, education and past work are also important in evaluation of a Social Security disability claim. If you have any questions regarding a Social Security disability claim please give us a call at 515-271-8186.

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